Saturday Night is a film inspired by the real events leading up to the iconic premiere of Saturday Night Live (SNL) on October 11, 1975. The film delves into the chaotic 90 minutes before the first broadcast, highlighting the tense moments and behind-the-scenes drama as a group of young, daring writers and performers worked tirelessly to redefine American television. With a mix of humor, confusion, and moments of sheer magic, the story portrays a revolution in entertainment that nearly didn’t happen due to the overwhelming pressure of making such a groundbreaking show work.
The plot unfolds in real-time, focusing on the high-stakes environment where a diverse group of people pushed boundaries to create a show that would change television forever. The film explores the tension, failures, and unexpected successes of the night before the show aired, reflecting both the creativity and the mishaps that shaped one of the most influential television programs in history.