Highway 65 is a gripping mystery series that follows Daphna, a talented detective recently transferred from Tel Aviv to the quieter town of Afula. After finding a phone left behind by Orly Elimelech, an influential former beauty queen with ties to the powerful Golan family, Daphna becomes intrigued by Orly’s sudden disappearance. As the case unravels, Daphna faces not only the mystery of Orly’s whereabouts but also the resistance from a small town that is skeptical of her, especially because of her single status and lack of children. Despite these challenges, Daphna immerses herself in the search, determined to uncover the truth behind Orly’s vanishing.
The show explores themes of gender, societal expectations, and the tensions between urban and small-town life while weaving a suspenseful narrative about the complexities of a missing person’s investigation.