Mad Fate is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into fate, superstition, and the darkness lurking within individuals. The story begins with a Feng Shui master who, on a stormy night, tries to save a prostitute from an imminent death. However, he arrives too late, only to discover her body, the latest victim of a brutal serial killer. During his investigation, a delivery man arrives at the crime scene, drawn to the shocking sight. The Feng Shui master predicts a grim future for him, foreseeing the man as a potential killer.
As the story unfolds, the delivery man struggles to change his supposed fate, while an inspector becomes increasingly convinced that he is a psychopath driven by an insatiable thirst for blood. The tension builds as the characters grapple with predestination, morality, and the fine line between fate and free will.
This film combines elements of suspense, crime, and supernatural elements, exploring the psychological effects of destiny and the fear of being trapped in a murderous path. It weaves a complex narrative that challenges the belief in fate, offering an intense and intriguing experience for fans of dark thrillers.